True Stories
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True tales of ghost visitations are all around us.

Out of the dark.
My husband and I were working for a cleaning service. We went to this house to clean so the owners could sell. I started working inside while my husband was outside. The table was still set with food on the table from a meal. It looked as though the people had left in a hurry in the middle of the meal. The room was cold and felt odd to me. I started cleaning and the door to the basement opened. Revealing a dark entrance to stairs. I closed the door and began working. The door opened again. I was starting to get spooked. I closed the door again, keep my eyes shifting to the door I starting working again. The door opened. I ran out to get my husband. He was already loading his cleaning tools back onto the truck. We left and went back to the office. The boss told us it was okay that we left. The owner knew the house was haunted and would not enter it himself. We actually got paid for work we didn't do.
  Front page story moved here July 17, 2001

TRUE STORY as told to me by my Aunt.
My father passed away one day when I was not at home. Two weeks later I was sitting on my front porch when suddenly my father was before me. In his hand he held a tooth. He said he lost it when he fell. Then he showed me a place on his leg. He said he had cut it when he fell. Then he went away. Later I asked my brother (whom had found my father lying on the floor.) if my father has lost a tooth when he died. He gave me the tooth and said he had found it by my father. I asked if my father had hurt his leg. He said yes my father must have hit his leg when he fell. He had not told anyone. I still have the tooth.



My cousin lived in a rental house that had a blood stain on the backbedroom floor.  They scrubbed and scrubbed, and it would be gone, but later it would return.  That room was always chilly, even in the hot hot summer time. (True Story of a Death Mark)

At The Foot of The Bed
Our house burned to the ground. Nothing was left so a cousin with an empty old house on her land allowed us to use the house. Churchs donated beds and clothing and we were all set. I was in bed the first night in this temp house; when she looked down at the foot of the bed. There stood my dead mother. She told me not to worry, everything will be alright. Then she disappeared.
Told to me by my mother.


Email me with your true stories. I will attempt to display them.
